The Member photos

Balling shades man!

Cheers, Their Raybans, we were passing them round in maths, everyone in our group has pics of them with them on on their facebook, was a laugh. We all had those as our profile pics for a bit till we went down the beach and i got a different picture taken, more lol-age. I'll post it in a bit.
I always knew Atomic would have a beard as well. Such a wise beard it is, yes, yes... :p Nice car, though. But uhh...I prefer my Hondas.
I havent posted a pic for a while..

This is Lamb

Yeah I noticed. The last time you put up a picture of yourself the beard was gone. Looks weird. :p
Myself at work while the boss is there.


Me at work after the boss leaves.

I was the only manager that didn't call in sick. I worked hard.
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