Beef jerky

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I buy some pre sliced jerky meat from the store, beef. Then turn the oven on the lowest setting, lightly salt the meat, and hang the pieces on the oven rack and put it in for a few hours. Simple yet very tasty. I've never tried it in a food dehydrator but that would be good as well, might take longer than in the oven though.

Beef jerky is expensive in the store, making your own is a lot cheaper and better in my opinion because it doesn't have all the *other* kinds of stuff they put in it.
Lol Well yeah. I thought it was just like.. over cooked and dried. Just not burned obviously.
Just salted and dried, not really cooked.

I saw one of those Ron Popeil food dehydrators at kmart the other day, I should buy one. I'd love to try making dried fruit and stuff as well as beef jerky.

Dried pineapple is teh nutz.
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