talk to a stranger :D

lmao check this out:

Stranger: I have a question that is not about cars
You: yes?
Stranger: but about what all men have in common
You: uh huh
You: what is it?
Stranger: how do I, you know, masturbate?
You: rofl
You: your fucking joking right
You: how old are you kid
Stranger: no, I have no idea at all
You: LMFAO!!!!!
Stranger: can you tell me?
Stranger: please
Stranger: I get made fun of alot
Stranger: because I don't know how
You: lol
Stranger: please
You: thats a weird question

Stranger: do you like elephants?
You: I like sheep
Stranger: i met someone who like elephants, are you that person?
Stranger: sheep are stupid
Stranger: i eat them
You: I eat elephants
Stranger: you're a liar
Stranger: i like you
You: I'm Mongolian...of course I eat elephants.
Stranger: damn, you broke my s****y wall, you ********
Stranger: stupid mongolian
You: Racist son of a *****. Watch what you say!
You have disconnected.

This guy was funny...but I couldn't post all of the conversation.
Saw this on the other day... some of the conversations they had were pretty damn funny. I will see if I can find one and post it up tomorrow.
Lol, I just got rick rolled....


I dont know why but that site is full of Portuguese speaking people from Brazil. It get's annoying but I just mess with them rick-rolling and such. I did the "shoop da woop" thing with a guy stepping through charging my lazor and such. He liked it until posted the ASCII characters of "firing the lazor" and he was like, "just stop, that's enough" and left lol. But I find everyone seems to just act stupid like that which is why I got encouraged to do the same.
LOL. Great way to pass the time. Interesting people.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello!

Stranger: are you as fucking horny as i am right now?

You: Do you have problems?

Stranger: haha

Stranger: is that a no? :p

You: What do you think?
Stranger: hi

Stranger: female? loves ex?

Stranger: *sex

You: God, you're sick.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--never gonna give you up
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --never gonna let you down!
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................../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/.......,-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;|:|:|:::::::::::::::|;;;;;|................ .............._' hi!
Stranger: its only gay if balls are touching

ive been nailing the place with rick roll tonight :p
I bet there would be a lot of awkward moments in these convo's. I must see for myself!
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