

In Runtime
My High School recently has been stepping up its "security" with friggin Web Washer and it has been blocking the all our game websites for simple flash games because a jerk in our class won't do any of his very simple work and just plays on the computer. :mad: (He plays in other classes and gets them banned in other classes) All my friends and I have 100 in the class and the teacher doesn't care if we play flash games as long as we do our work. However we are down to one site and we don't want this jerk to find out our last site and we need more sites like extremetoaster. Any Recommendations?
(One of my friends recommeded that I should set up my own server but, that would be a lot of work... right?)
Can you use proxies like unblockspace.net?
I use it if I need to browse something that my school doesn't allow.

Don't use it much though, usually just play Halo on lan or CS or something. I always pwn everyone :D
It's funny when your TK everyone when your bored and you say a guys reaction from the other side of the room going "WTF!?" lol

Borat has the best idea. What I used to do was download the .swf at home and put it on a flash drive.
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