Why is Communism Bad?

Communism isn't bad, but it never works on a large scale. There is always too much corruption and there are often human rights issues with the governments that don't want anybody speaking out against them.
American/Soviet conflict AKA The Cold War: that's the main reason why Communism is looked down upon so much in the United States.

The true Marxist ideals of Communism sound great. A free society, the governing body dissolving, everyone working with each other for the betterment of everyone's lives. The only problem is the governing body (based on past instances) doesn't dissolve like it should in theory. It just gets more powerful and more oppressive which leads to censorship and suddenly the people don't have the resources to overthrow a largely violent military regime.
I think it all comes down to human nature. Once great power is experienced, it becomes difficult to give that up for fear of the peoples' ideals straying far away from your own.
In theory, socialism and communism aren't bad things and do indeed sound great. However, as long as it is done by humans it will never, ever work. Once we have power, we rarely ever let it go.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
- Lord Acton
Communism != freedom

It is very controlling where most companies are owned by the government and you don't have an opportunity to better yourself
Americans probably don't like communism, because as already stated, it has never worked out. And no body will work hard to do better, what's the point?

Also, it's common belief that, most people can do above average. Which of course, is imposable
Without any motivation I'd be in heavy construction (operating big giant machinery). A ton of other people would take easy fun jobs.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) just assigns jobs. Communism seems to work there, but they have some SERIOUS human rights issues there.
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