PHP Code simplifier

Ok, here is the main source. It wouldn't fit in the previous one.
FILE: pageHeader.php
CREATED: 2/24/2009
LAST MODIFIED: 3/19/2009
VERSION: 2.1.1
AUTHOR: David Kyle (dkyle)
PURPOSE: the pageHeader class handles the creation of the top of an html page.  It allows you to specify the doctype, characterset, meta tags, stylesheets, javascripts, title and almost all other aspects of the page.
This file generates documents that can be validated against the W3's reccomendation for several different document types.
It is useful for creating websites using a content management system, or for creating the same look-and-feel for each page, without having to re-type or copy paste the code.
// ******* 03/19/2009 ******* \\
--03/19/2009 : Added support for html4
+ -- stripped single-line close tags ( />) from metas
+ -- stripped single-line close tags ( />) from stylesheet links
--03/19/2009 : Added functionality
+ -- added ability to exclue javascripts from the <head> tag
--03/19/2009 : Bug-fixes

--03/19/2009 : Todo
+ -- Add support for embedding data driven content into the head structure
+ -- Add support for favicon
+ -- Provide Script lookup and style lookup capabilities
+ -- Improve formatting support for inline stylesheet and javascript code
+ -- Create a new package that will serialize this class to php, html, php/html for the creation of static or dynamic pages for Content Management Systems
+ -- Provide secure support for insertion of php tags
// *******            ******* \\

//Builds the top of an html page
class pageHeader {

  private $_title; // page title value
  private $_charset; // character set, used in xml declaration (xhtml) and meta http-equiv
  private $_doctype; // dtd 
  private $_scripts = array(); // list of javascript classes
  public $scripts; // public access to the scripts array
  public $styles; // public access to the styles array
  private $_styles = array();
  public $metas = array();
  private $_metas = array();
  private $spacing;
  /// DTD associative Array.  To support more document types, simply add the name and the value for the dtd
  private $docTypes = array("xhtmlSt"=>"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">","xhtmlTr"=>"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">","html4"=>"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">");
  function __construct($title,$charset) { // require the title and the charset and the minimum
    $this->spacing = new formatting(0);
    $this->scripts = $this->_scripts; // public access to the jScripts array object
    $this->styles = $this->_styles; // public access to the styles array object
  } // end constructor
  public function addScript($linkType,$src,$code,$inHeader) { // add to the current javascript objects
    array_push($this->_scripts,new jScripts($linkType,$src,$code,$inHeader));//append the newly created jScript object to the array
    $newNumber = count($this->_scripts)-1;
    $this->scripts = $this->_scripts; // assign the private array to the public one
  } // end function addScript
  private function setTitle($title) { // set the page's title
    if (strlen($title) > 0) { // make sure they entered a title
      $this->_title = $title;
    } else {
      $this->_title = "Untitled Document"; // default page title
    } // end if/else
  } // end function setTitle
  public function addMeta($name,$value) { // add a meta tag
    $this->metas = $this->_metas;
  } // end function addMeta
  private function setCharset($charset) {
    if (strlen($charset) > 0) { // to maintain validity, check to make sure this exists
      $this->_charset = $charset;
    } else {
      $this->_charset = "utf-8"; // default character set
    } // end if/else
  } // end class setCharset
  public function addStyle($styleType,$src,$code) { // add to the current stylesheet objects
    array_push($this->_styles,new style($styleType,$src,$code)); // append to the styles array the newly created style
    $newNumber = count($this->_styles)-1;
    $this->styles = $this->_styles;  // assign the public to the private
  } // end function addStyle
  public function setDocType($docType) {// apply the correct document type declaration
    $this->_doctype = $docType; // set the Document Type to be used later to determine output type
  } // end function setDocType
  function writePage() { // output the page
    $returnText = "";
    switch($this->_doctype) {
      case "xhtmlSt":
        $returnText .= $this->getXhtmlDTD();
      case "xhtmlTr":
        $returnText .= $this->getXhtmlDTD();
      case "html4":
        $returnText .= $this->getHtmlDTD();
        $returnText .= $this->getHtmlDTD();
    } // end switch
    $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<head>\n";
    $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<title>".$this->_title."</title>\n";
    $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=".$this->_charset."\"";
    if($this->_doctype == "html4") {
      $returnText .= ">\n";
    } else {
      $returnText .= " />\n";
    } // end if/else
    // include javascripts
    for($i=0;$i<count($this->_scripts);$i++) {
      if ($this->_scripts[$i]->showInHeader() == true) {
        $returnText .= $this->_scripts[$i]->getScript();
      } else {
        // Do nothing because we don't want it shown in the header
      } // end if/else
    } // end for loop
    // include stylesheets
    for($i=0;$i<count($this->_styles);$i++) {
      if ($this->_doctype == "html4") {
        $returnText .= str_replace(" />",">",$this->_styles[$i]->getStyle());
      } else {
        $returnText .= $this->_styles[$i]->getStyle();
      } // end if/else
    } // end for loop
    for($i = 0;$i<count($this->_metas);$i++) {
      foreach($this->_metas[$i] as $name=>$value) {
        $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<meta name=\"". $name . "\" content=\"". $value . "\"";
        if($this->_doctype == "html4") {
          $returnText .= ">\n";
        } else {
          $returnText .= " />\n";
        } // end if/else
      } // end for loop
    } // end for loop
    $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "</head>\n";
    $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<body>\n";
    return $returnText;
 } // end writePage
 private function getXhtmlDTD() {
   $returnString = $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$this->_charset."\"?>\n";
   $returnString .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . $this->docTypes[$this->_doctype] . "\n";
   $returnString .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en-us\" dir=\"ltr\" lang=\"en-us\">\n";
   return $returnString;
 } // end function getXhtmlDTD
 private function getHtmlDTD() {
   $returnString = $this->spacing->getSpaces() . $this->docTypes[$this->_doctype] . "\n";
   $returnString .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<html>\n";
   return $returnString;
 } // end function getHtmlDTD

} // end class pageHeader

// Class that other classes can use to apply formatting (tab indentation) to the source output
class formatting {

  private $_spacing = ""; // spaces to prefix the line with
  private $_spacingNum = 0; // used to calculate the $_spacing

  function __construct($spacing) {
  } // end constructor
  public function setSpacing($num) { //Set the spacing directly
    $this->_spacingNum = $num;
  } // end function setSpacing
  public function addSpaces($num) { // Append to the spaces.  No different from setSpacing at this point
  } // end function addSpaces
  public function getSpaces() { // return the nuber of spaces to append
    if(strlen($this->_spacing) == $this->_spacingNum) { // if the number hasn't change, don't re-compute every time to minimize overhead
    } else {
      $this->_spacing = "";
      for($i=0;$i<$this->_spacingNum;$i++) {
        $this->_spacing .=" ";
      } // end for loop
    } // end if/else
    return $this->_spacing;
  } // end function getSpaces

} // end function formatting
:mad: Grrr. It still didn't fit. I'll have to upload the code elsewhere and link to it next time.

Here is the final part of the main class file
//Represents a stylesheet
class style {

  private $_linkStyle = true;
  private $_linkSrc;
  private $_styleCode;
  private $_writeTags = true;
  private $spacing;
  private $_txtSpacing = "";

  function __construct($link,$src,$code) {
    $this->spacing = new formatting(0);
    if ($link === true || $link === false) {
      $this->_linkStyle = $link;
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Link type on style is invalid.");
    } // end if/else
    $this->_styleCode = $code;
  } // end constructor
  private function setSRC($src) {
    $this->_linkSrc = addslashes(str_replace("<?","",str_replace("?>","",$src)));
  } // end function setSRC
  public function getStyle() { // return the style tag formatted later for html4 compliance
    if($this->_linkStyle == true) {
      $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
      $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . addslashes(str_replace("<?","",str_replace("?>","",$this->_styleCode)));
      $returnText .= "\n" . $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "</style>\n";
    } else {
      $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"";
      if(strlen($this->_linkSrc) > 0) {
        $returnText .= $this->_linkSrc . "\" />\n";
      } else {
        $returnText .= "\"\" />\n";
      } // end if/else
    } // end if/else
    return $returnText;  
  } // end function getStyle
  public function setSpacing($num) { // needs modification!  setSpacing in class formatting used to be private so this provided access to it via the addSpaces method
  } // end function setSpacing

} // end class style

//Represents a javascript element in the head, or other
class jScripts {

  private $_linkScript = true;
  private $_linkSrc;
  private $_showInHeader = true;
  private $_linkCode;
  private $_writeTags = true; // not yet implemented
  private $spacing; // object of the formatting class
  private $_txtSpacing = "";
  function __construct($link, $src, $code,$showHeader) {
    $this->spacing = new formatting(0);
    if($link === true || $link === false) {
      $this->_linkScript = $link;
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Link type on script is invalid.");
    } // end if/else
    if($showHeader === true || $showHeader === false) {
      $this->_showInHeader = $showHeader;
    } else {
      $this->_showInHeader = true;
    } // end if/else
    $this->_linkSrc = $this->setSRC($src);
    $this->_linkCode = $code;
  } // end constructor
  public function setSpacing($num) { // apply formatting to output
  } // end function setSpacing
  private function setSRC($src) { // remove dangerous things from the script source
   return addslashes(str_replace("<?","",str_replace("?>","",$src))); 
  } // end function setSRC
  //Returns the full script element one of either <script><!--//--></script> or <script src=""></script>
  public function getScript() {
    if($this->_writeTags === true) {
      $returnText = $this->spacing->getSpaces() ."<script type=\"text/javascript\"";
      if ($this->_linkScript === true) {
        $returnText .= " src=\"".$this->_linkSrc."\"></script>\n";
      } else {
        if(strlen($this->_linkCode) > 0) {
          $returnText .=">\n";
          $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "<!--\n";
          $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . addslashes(str_replace("<?","",str_replace("?>","",$this->_linkCode)));
          $returnText .= "\n" . $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "//-->\n";
          $returnText .= $this->spacing->getSpaces() . "</script>\n";
        } else {
          $returnText .= "></script>\n";
        } // end if/else
      } // end if/else
    } else {
    } // end if/else
    return $returnText;
  } // end function getScript
  public function showInHeader() {
    return $this->_showInHeader;
  } // end function showInHeader
} // end class jScripts
Any suggestions and/or ideas are greatly welcome and appreciated (positive or negative).
I didn't give it much of a look, but from the looks of things looks alright...
If I wasn't in the middle of my project at the moment I would probably give it a better look...

Edit: So I took another look at it, seems pretty good, a little bit clustered but I definitely seen worse lol... So what else have you got left to do?
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