Network Ips


Solid State Member
What commands can i use through /cmd to find out all the IPs on the network i am on, not just my own (i already know about ipconfig etc and have a basic knowledge); and all the ones accessing my computer. Also to find out if there are IP conflictions etc.
i believe the net view or the net statistics command will work. If not then try net /? to see the help options.
Netstat isn't what he's looking for. Netstat only tells the addys of connections with him.

The OP is looking for the cmd to sniff out / map the internal IPs on his / her network.
Personally, I would log into the router or the DHCP server and do a client list, but that option is not always available. There are ways of doing it on linux, but I'm not sure the protocol exists on Windows.
Well as for the stuff accessing his computer, netstat will work... I think with xp netstat can find other ips on the network not sure, I know one of the commands with a flag can find other ips on the network... Otherwise as everyone else has said... The router will tell...
if they are on the same workgroup/domain you can use the command: net view
Best way is to get an Ip scanner, where you specify a subnet and it sniff's out (via ping tests) all ip's in use (as long as they respond to ping-requests).
Netstat isn't what he's looking for. Netstat only tells the addys of connections with him.

The OP is looking for the cmd to sniff out / map the internal IPs on his / her network.
Personally, I would log into the router or the DHCP server and do a client list, but that option is not always available. There are ways of doing it on linux, but I'm not sure the protocol exists on Windows.

Yes, that's the one. So anyone know those commands? I know i could do it other ways (log into router) but i also want to know how to do it via that command.
I use net view then ping the Host name, for larger networks get a net viewer, net tools 4/5 has some great hst name/IP resolvers built in man..
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