Music Collection taking up too much space!

Yes, there is a way. First, Go to the nearest Library near you
Step 2: Go onto one of the computers in the Library and put in your disc/dvd.
Step 3: Take all the files from the Disc to the computer. (In my library each user gets almost relatively admin privileges [As in you can save files and all])
Step 4: Those files on the computer, transfer it onto your Zune via USB.

Step 5: Enjoy.

P.S It may not work on some Library computers because a friend of mine, the library he goes to doesn't allow him to save anything on the computer itself, but in the one I go to, it does.

Most public computers blocks off the ability to Install anything. For a Zune, you need to update Windows to a certain point, and install the software. Finding an public computer to install these are very rare.

I have about 2000 songs on my 8GB Zune. All are 128KBps, mainly because I barely hear any difference between 128KBps, and 320KBps, especially with the $10 headphones I buy every time.
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