Random Chit Chat

Re: Random Chit Chat #4

lol, I like the look of his Outback actually. It's not wonderful, but I like it.
Re: Random Chit Chat #4

fun. I waited 8 months past when I could because I had no motivation to get mine, and its a win-lose. I win because I learn to drive in the snow. I lose because I can't drive this summer which will make getting a job hard still.
Re: Random Chit Chat #4

The motivation i have is to get a job,but i have to get my P's (So i can drive on my own) I have to:

-Wait 1 year
-Complete the L's handbook
-Do 120 Hours of driving (20 Hours during the night)

And then pass the P's test.

Re: Random Chit Chat #4

wow, 120? Thats 12 times the driving I've done in the past 4 months.

We have to get "50" and most people don't. and the ones that do are 90% of the time the weird kids.
Re: Random Chit Chat #4

IL the law is 90 and 9 months now. I got my permit just after the 50 law, and have had my liscense for some time now.
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