Change motherboards and Windows won't boot

i want a laptop

In Runtime
OK, so I had Windows installed on a dinosaur, get a new mobo, ram, and cpu, and put my old hard drive in the PC with the new motherboard...and when Windows starts to boot up it BSODs and reboots. Ubuntu Linux loads up fine though...****** Microsoft.

So of course I don't want to reinstall what can I do?
OK I am getting angry. So I follow this guide.

I take my whole motherboard out and put the old one in, jump thru some hoops of fire and finally boot up. Windows still works (on my old motherboard) do that sysrep shit, and then my system shuts down.

OK, now I go thru the god forsaken process of removing my old motherboard and putting in the new one. I boot up...

BSOD, reboots.

I am getting so freaking angry right now...
To repair an install pop the OS CD in and boot from it.

Go through the options as if you were installing a fresh OS.

When you accept the terms and conditions it'll check for a previous install.

Highlight the the current OS install and press 'R'. The option should be there.

It'll delete all the OS files and replace them.

The most important thing is that it will configure the install to your new motherboard and keep all your files too.
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