Assisted Suicide

Wouldn't assisted suicide technically be premeditated murder?
Sort of. That's why it has to be under fairly strict laws like Oregon has. They have had it for 10 years, and havent had a problem with it. More people in Oregon die in their homes with their family then any other state.

Although, it is possible that the family could pressure the sick person into pulling their own plug for financial reasons. This is where big problems could occur...
Wouldn't assisted suicide technically be premeditated murder?

I'm sure from a legal standpoint it could be viewed like that but if they have STRICT laws about it I'm sure it can be accepted. For example if the family also agrees with the persons requests. I know if we had the option I wouldn't want one of my loved ones suffering for that last couple days or months. A lot of people don't have personal experience with seeing a close family member die in this way so some people don't know what its like to see someone suffer the way people with severely terminal diseases suffer. My father died of cancer and it was terrible the last couple of weeks seeing him suffer and watching his body deteriorate right in front of you. If they had that option and he would have wanted to do it than I would have let him do it. I mean in most of these cases its only a matter of time before they die and in the latter stages of these diseases even if they come up with some miracle drug to cure the disease at the point they're at its already too late. Do you really want your last memories of a family member in total agony and completely unresponsive?
I don't know what the legality of assisted suicide in Alabama is..don't really know what my stance on it is either. I suppose I'm on the fence.

One thing I learned as a first responder though is that alot of people who have had strokes, past heart attacks and terminal illnesses and so forth, often have Advance Directives (aka, living wills) like if they're unconscious or go into a non-medical induced coma they often have DNR Orders (Do Not Resuscitate) and don't want to have CPR/AEDs used on them should they go into cardiac/respiratory arrest.
I know the Swiss have been doing it legally for awhile now. I read recently that a terminally ill teenage boy from the U.K. went to Switzerland with his parents and well...
I suppose it should be legal if you really want to die. I like to think there's always a chance of something against all odds happening. Consequently, I wouldn't be able to choose my death unless the pain is excruciating.
Being a Diabetic, I have the 5th deadliest disease in the world. So I would kind of like a law like this... I know that I would hate being in a hospital bed for weeks on end, with no chance of leaving it. Save my family money, and a lot of pain, and pull the plug...
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