Religon Stuff

Borat, you stated that you were Catholic. How can you say that your most holy book was written by deranged people?

Well i was baptised catholic and did all the sacraments and whatnot...its just that i don't like fairytales. I need concrete evidence. I'm a man of science lol.

I don't mind the bible, but i don't take it literally. Like come on, do you honestly believe some ppl were in the desert for 40 years or whatever it says? Or that there were the 7 plagues or whatever?
This is just odd. An admitted Catholic and a Christian both saying the bible is fiction. You can't be either and believe that. To do so would make you an atheist as both religions are based on the teachings of the Bible.
Not at all, I believe in the teachings of the Bible, but the stories in it, like where God floods the entire world, and crazy things like that, I don't believe happened, but they are stories meant to teach a lesson.

Next time I am at youthgroup or something, I should ask my preist what he thinks... Might be too long to resurect this thread though.
Well, thats where things get iffy..for a person to pick and choose whats "real" and what may just be a story, you have to take the bible as it is and can't believe that only certain parts are's really all or none. You can't say "X part" is true, but "Y" part really isn't, because then individual people could twist Scripture and tell people that "well..the Bible really didn't mean such and such", and biblically that's a VERY dangerous thing to do..the bible's pretty clear on warning of false teachers and it's harsh on people who twist Scripture to fit their agenda.

However, in the new testament when Jesus teaches in parables, those are more or less meant as a lesson. But alot of the things in the Bible are quite literal and aren't layed out as a "story" or a parable.
Well, I think the entire Old Testament was Parables. But that is just what I believe. I am also a firm science man. I believe in Evolution of Creationism and so on. But I am also of the belief, that other people can believe whatever they want. If you want to believe that there is no God, well, that's perfectly fine with me, I won't try and proove to you or anything, I am simply of another belief. Just believe whatever seems right to you, most likely, none of us are right anyway, haha. Who knows, maybe we will die and be with Zues, and be fighting Titans or something, or maybe we will be with Egyption Pharoehs when we die. I just hope it goes as my belief says it will, which is what we all hope I think, haha.
I'm like you, I enjoy hearing other folks opinions...cause if everyone was of the same opinion things would be mighty boring haha. But your right, we'll all find out the answer eventually:p
Yeah we do. But I am Christian and even if it's not true, I like having the prospect of there being God in heaven. It makes you live the best life you can (usually) and make you feel good about your life on this earth even if there nothing after this world.
i was baptized a catholic but, i guess im agnostic

like, i believe there is a god , but i dont see god the way others do.. i dont think you will find a higher power through a organized religion..if you find god through chruch, thats cool, it works for you..

i find god in other places... when i walk downtown watching as the world goes by, seeing creation and everyone in it go on with life, i believe god is there, when i sit on a rock in the mountains beside a crystal clear lake listening to nature i believe god is there... i believe that finding god is through personal experiances, and becoming one with yourself and you surroundings.. sounds like a hippy, tree-hugger kind of thing (or so ive been told), but that's what i go with

i do dislike the hardcore extremist Christians, they get on my nerves

i also dislike hardcore atheists because they always judge me.. like the a while back, im in school and ive worn a cross around my neck for years, it slips out onto my shirt... a guy in my class sees it and says " you not catholic are you?".. well i say yah sure i am...he asks me if i actually believe that bull$hit that the church is trying to sell me, i say not exactly and explain my beliefs... then he actually says "wow, you actually believe there is a god? how naive are you?", i start getting a little annoyed cause i dont like people insulting what i believe, so i say something along the lines of ts my beliefs, i dont care what you think, if you dont have beliefs thats your own buisness, i dont care, but dont insult me, cause you dont believe what i do... now he gets pissed cause im not agreeing with him ( im not sure why he got pissed but whatever) , he says something along the lines of "dont be stupid, there is no god, when you die you die, your dead there is no heaven, and science proves that"... and he went on for a bit about how he was right i was wrong, till class finished....

now dont get me wrong, i dont hate atheists or anything, hell my best friend is a bit of a atheist, i just dont like my beliefs being called foolish or naive... or talking to a hardcore christian and being told im gonna burn in hell cause i dont go to church
Well, I am not what you would call a hardcore Christian. I have not been to church in like 6+ months and and have not even touched my bible in quite a while. While I do believe that God and Jesus are real, I believe that you should find them on your own. I do not believe that you should need a pastor to explain what you should and should not do. I believe that you should decide on your own what the bible tells you what you should be doing.
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