i7 CPU's overclocking worries

Like members have said, it probably won't be much of an issue. Its just a tad unfair.
If you wanted to overclock, you better hope yours is one of the one the ones that draws less power.

It says the max the processor is able to draw from the mains is 130 watts at its max load.

"It is entirely possible that a given Core i7 940 or 920 may actually only consume 70, 90 or perhaps 110 watts. If you are lucky enough to find yourself with a 70 watt version, that gives you an overhead of about 50+ watts for overclocking, and you'll be able to increase the core voltage enough to see some good results. Conversely, if you end up taking a 110 watt model home, you'll only have 20 watts of overclocking headroom before the CPU begins to throttle its clock speed. In this case, the same model of a CPU will offer much lower overclocking potential due to the Overspeed Protection feature."
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