Persuasion Paper


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United States
So i have to do a persuasion paper for my English class that's due tomorrow. I should have started earlier, but i procrastinate too much. It has to be 4 pages, double spaced, New Times Roman 12 point font.
The subject I chose was Video Games and Violence, such as fighting or shooting. The point I am trying to do in this paper is to persuade Parents/Adults that Video Games isn't usually the cause of Violence.
But I think its going to be difficult for me to type 4 pages. I only got 2 points to prove, one is that its Society and Movies that is causing certain Violence, mainly society.
So want to help me out?

PS - Please be Mature about this, I don't want to get an F, and end up paying this class by myself if I failed this class. I am Currently having COF (Colorado Opportunity Fund) and FA (Financial Aid) helping me pay, and if I fail certain classes, then FA will take their money back, which is about $2000. Which is what i cont have. :(
Here's a start: Violence in video games

Four pages?. . .

Good luck.

yeah, all the papers i have to do is 4 pages minimum. I think my teacher took off 10 points on my last paper because it was 3 1/2 pages. and this is an developmental class, which means i wont be getting a credit for it when i transfer to an University next fall. Damn Accuplacer..

EDIT - so far, i got 1 1/8 pages with the Intro and talking about society.
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