TES 4: Oblivion???

probably came with a patch newer than the original and BTW whats the glitch?
i forgot how you do it, but a arrow glitch lets you duplicate any items.
Once i duplicated a sword so much that i started to lag like crazy.
hell yeah man with this glitch i was rich all the time :)
the glitch is like this:
1. You need an instance of a droppable item (i.e. non-quest item) and a stack of arrows in your inventory.
2. Equip the arrows.
3. Perform an attack, such as:
* Throwing a punch.
* Swinging a blunt or blade weapon.
* Firing a staff.
* Casting a spell.
* Drawing an arrow on a bow.
4. While the attack is still in motion, quickly enter the journal.
5. Attempt to unequip the arrows (not drop, unequip). You should get a message that "You cannot change weapons while attacking". (Otherwise go back to Step 2 and try again.)
6. Drop the item you wish to duplicate from your inventory.
7. Either leave the journal or repeat steps 5 and 6 for other items you wish to duplicate.
Probably patched it.

Buuut, if you were smart you would go into the developers console and punch in the codes for any object in the game. ;)

Unless this is the console version. :p
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