Can't Figure out Port Forwarding for Linksys


Solid State Member
Okay so I'm trying to connect to a certain Ventrilo server, yes I know I have everything entered correctly and there is no password I've checked time and time again. Now I can connect to other servers just fine without any extra work. So I keep reading up that the new Vetrilo client uses TCP and UDP I believe it is to talk to servers etc. Now I don't really know anything in this part with computers but I keep reading that I have to open up prt 5000 and 6100. Okay that's all good but what do I do when I get to the linksys port forwarding page. For example how do I open up these ports because I really don't know what to put for start and end and do I need to put an application name etc etc. Help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if you want to use port forwarding for that. You really just need to allow traffic on those ports on your firewall.

Port forwarding is more for sending inbound traffic to different IP's on your network based on the port number it's coming in on. For example if you had a web server you could use port forwarding to send all inbound Port 80 traffic to a IP on your network.

Keep looking for a firewall rules page or something like that, I don't think the port forwarding page is what you are going to need to get this working.
Maybe its not but I atleast want to try it, if it fails than I can just set it back to normal. But like I said I don't know what to put into it to open up the ports.
Okay on the second link you posted, the part where its at Port Range on Applications and gaming, is where I'm at. I just want to give this a shot but again I'm not sure what numbers exactly I'm supposed to put in. Again I've never done this before and supposdly I need to open up port 5000 and 6100 for both tcp and udp.
On the application you can put in anything you want its just a name.
On the start field that would be the starting port if you were going to open up a whole range of ports. Like 25 - 5000 for example.
On the end field that would be the ending port for a range.
FOr you I would put two entries in this page. One would start and end with port 5000 and one would start and end with port 6100 The protcol would be set to both for each entry and they would point to the same ip address. And of course they would be enabled. : )

THe protocal is where you could pick between tcp/UDP etc. "Both" will work for you.

THe ip address is the computer you want to have these ports open for. This will be the internal ip address of your computer. If you bring up a command window and type ipconfig this is the ip address you will probably want to put in there.

The enable field simply turns the rule off or on.

Application:------Start:----End:----Protocal:----IP Address:------Enable
BLa Bla-----------5000----5000------Both------*------Yes
Bla bla-----------6100-----6100------Both------*------Yes

* Your IP will probably be different from this one.
Yea I actually had it set like that, guess I have some idea of what I'm doing. But it's still no fix as you said before. I am using a wireless adapter to connect through my router but I don't see firewalls or anything of that sort being a problem since I can connect to pretty much any Vent server...except this one.
Heh, so your not hosting a vent server? Your just trying to connect to one?

Can anyone else connect to it? Whats the IP address to the server, i'll try to get in.

Really their should be no reason why you can't get in. Unless the server itself screwed from the start.

Those ventrillo ports you wanna open is only really for hosting a server. That way can connect to you.

Ventrilo servers can be set to any port really. They do have default ports but the host can change that if wishes.
Yes there are people connecting to it, couple of my friends use it. Here is the port and ip

IP = or
Port = 38150

Good luck

Okay so I feel dumb, my friends had the port number backwards. So it's all good now, thanks for the help though.
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