
Welcome to CF! I like your name, very interesting.

Lol, Someone should create a forum just for George and the other little annoying basement dwellers like him. And be sure to give them all amazing title's like Ultimate-Commander-Field Marshal, or Super-Fantabulos-Mighty Man or something along those lines until they bicker (or spam) each other to death.
haha, sign him up to a few products indeed..... someone should take a survey in his name and make up all kinds of ish about his lifestyle.
Good afternoon guys.

Thanks Ahyoka. It's the only way to roll. ;)

Apparently it is ME using his name to discredit Georgie. LMFAO!

I love him. I think I'll keep him and get him fixed at the vets. He can share the yard with Jake the doberman and Jasper the poodle lol.
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