Random Chit Chat #3

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Dude...my history teacher tricked me. He said we only had 4 chapters of summer homework and it shouldn't take more than 10 hours combined to finish it. I've worked for about 10 hours and I have about 5/16 of it done...
Well, I talked to a friend who took this course last year, and he said I was being too specific on my outline. I do like a bullet/paragraph now and it still takes me forever.
aww unlucky dude. i get a whole summer of no work :D
i feel pretty good now ive left school.
Lol. Once I finish this assignment I'll have around 2-3 days of relaxation before school starts. Then I'll have to be doing these outlines daily...not that I'm not right now but...DAILY! For like the 180 days of school.
:eek: good luck dude.
i feel sorry for you. the most challenging thing i have to do it wake up early, and i cba to do that very much any more :p
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