

Fully Optimized
any one watch e3
its was Microsoft today
im lmao at sony
ff13 is now on 360
that was really the only big thing
we new about every thing else
just got trailers
I'm a fan of the 360 and all, but Mii type characters, and a new type of controller to work with a new kind of dashboard?...er...okay...
I'll just watch the gameplay vids when they are released from the show
Fallout 3! Looks exciting. :D Bethesda makes great RPG's if the Elder Scrolls series wasn't good enough proof. :p

Pretty cool how Final Fantasy XIII is now on Xbox 360. One less ace up the PS3's sleeve. :D Gears of War 2 looks nice...I like the melee combos and the improved graphics. GoW already looked damn good and Epic managed to make the Unreal Engine 3 look EVEN better.
i cant wait for nintendo tommrow
i really want to see what they throw out
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