
But he needs to have a mySQL database to start with. And if he can't do PHP, I really doubt he will be able to code PHP to connect to a database.

That simple email script will suit him fine for what he needs it for.
I know that. Which is why i am hosting it for him, inclusive of a mySQL DB :D Oh, and captain, i dont think i can see what is beeing sent to me, and i am not going to try :D
so in other words, you will have all the old people stuff I get? - Phone #, Address./..

and - I tried hosting it on yahoo brief case, wont work. Ive tried hosting it on my friends UTD ( Dallas) server, wont work. When I host it on the utd server I get my coding on my page, and I dont know whats wrong.

Also, when I downloaded the files off of your site, they saved at .htm I know they're suposed to be .php so I changed them back, thats when it wouldnt work, and we also tried them as .htm and no file extention at all.. it still wont work :(

-Q to take a look... the application, or Contact Me mart.. whatever
OK - This is a but complecated, but i will do my best. PHP does not let people view the code fo the file, if its been uploaded to a Server with PHP on it. When you accsess a page which is made with PHP, The PHP part of the server turns it into HTML, for the client. Its a bit like not being able to edit programs, without having the source. Also, No. I cannot see what is being sent. And even if i could, i am 13. What would i do with it? Oh, and by the way. Merry Sexmas!
why don't you use ASP?
in ASP you can send email to your email without outlook it sends the message to your email
see this page
it automatically sends your comment to my email
it doesn't matter that you are 13 or more because i am 14 and i created more than 5 websites since i learned web programing
yes without goin to another site to use there cgi script you must use the mailform but there are free website that allow you to use there scripts as long if you are willing to put a link back to them at the bottom of the form.
This can be done using PHP. However, it will ask for their e-mail address, but it won't actually use their SMTP server, it'll use yours.

So, they could lie and give you a fake e-mail address (unless you do some sort of validation such as a link sent to the e-mail).
			if($action == 'contact'){
			//display the contact form
			$sent = $_POST['sent'];
			$from = $_POST['email'];
if($sent == 'yes'){
$to      = '****** ';
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$type = $_POST['type'];
$message = wordwrap($message, 70);
$message= "The following E-Mail has been sent to you from index.php?action=contact
$message = nl2br("$message");
$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" .
    'Reply-To:' . "\r\n" .
    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
echo "<P>Mail was sent.</P>";
echo "
<form name='contact' METHOD=POST ACTION='index.php?action=contact'>
<td colspan=4><center>Contact Form</center>
<td><input type=TEXT name='email'><input type=HIDDEN name='sent' value='yes'>
<td><SELECT NAME='type'>
    <OPTION value='default' SELECTED>SELECT ONE:
    <OPTION value='tech support'>Tech Support
    <OPTION value='Report Infraction'>Report Infractions
    <OPTION value'Report Bugs'>Report Bugs
<tr><td>Message:<td colspan=4><textarea name='message' cols=40 rows=9></textarea>
<tr><td colspan=4><a style='float: right;' href='javascript: void(0);' onclick=';return false;'>Submit E-Mail</a>

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