Pet Peeves

People that type like "wut r u doin 2morrow b4 skool?"

Late shipments.

When things don't work for no apparent reason.

Teachers that screw you over at the beginning of a project.
I've got too many pet peeves, but here goes:

  • txt tlk on teh internet. There's no excuse if you're on a computer with a full keyboard, it just makes you look like a braindead chav.
  • People who gossip with shopkeepers and hold everyone else up. It's 2008 not 1958, the world moves much faster these days and I don't want to have to be held up while you make smalltalk with some cashier who should tell you to move on so he/she can help someone else out. If you're friends with the shopkeeper, save your socialising for another time.
  • Pensioners who go shopping at the weekends and hold everyone up. You're retired, you can shop whenever you like, why go out at the weekend and hold up working people who only have time to shop at the weekends?
  • Mumbling and talking to yourself. If you're not wanting other people to hear what you're saying and you're talking to yourself, don't mumble. Just don't talk at all. Plus it makes you look like a nutjob.
  • Humming, singing along to and drumming your fingers to music. 99% of people who do this have absolutely no talent, it's highly distracting, irritating and annoying. Don't do it.
  • People who walk too slowly down the street and seem to fill up half of the pavement so you can't get around them
  • Tailgating. I never let anyone past me, if you're that desperate to break the law like that then waiting can be your punishment.
  • People who drive too slowly.
  • People who get your/you're, they're/there/their, were/where etc. mixed up. It's basic grammar and if you stayed at school for just five minutes you'd know what to use where.

That's a very short list out of my near infinite number of pet peeves.
I've got too many pet peeves, but here goes:

  • txt tlk on teh internet. There's no excuse if you're on a computer with a full keyboard, it just makes you look like a braindead chav.
  • People who gossip with shopkeepers and hold everyone else up. It's 2008 not 1958, the world moves much faster these days and I don't want to have to be held up while you make smalltalk with some cashier who should tell you to move on so he/she can help someone else out. If you're friends with the shopkeeper, save your socialising for another time.
  • Pensioners who go shopping at the weekends and hold everyone up. You're retired, you can shop whenever you like, why go out at the weekend and hold up working people who only have time to shop at the weekends?
  • Mumbling and talking to yourself. If you're not wanting other people to hear what you're saying and you're talking to yourself, don't mumble. Just don't talk at all. Plus it makes you look like a nutjob.
  • Humming, singing along to and drumming your fingers to music. 99% of people who do this have absolutely no talent, it's highly distracting, irritating and annoying. Don't do it.
  • People who walk too slowly down the street and seem to fill up half of the pavement so you can't get around them
  • Tailgating. I never let anyone past me, if you're that desperate to break the law like that then waiting can be your punishment.
  • People who drive too slowly.
  • People who get your/you're, they're/there/their, were/where etc. mixed up. It's basic grammar and if you stayed at school for just five minutes you'd know what to use where.

That's a very short list out of my near infinite number of pet peeves.

You're right. Those things bother me too.
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