

In Runtime
Okay so i need some ways how i can increase members on my forum like advertising methods and what to do about adverting.

So i would appreciate your help if you could give some tips about how i could increase member numbers :cool:

Thank you in advanced :)
Try google pay per click! I hear there's a secret backdoor so you don't have to pay for them!
How would i get the "secret backdoor" thought and im already got pay per click but its not really doing much,
You gotta pay some douche bag for his e-book. It's worth it though!

Google it to fine out how! Or look it i up on youtube.
1. Make some ads, be flexible. 468x60px, 125x125px and 120x600px banners will cover you. Then members can advertise the site and not just you!

2. Try a competition, if you have $5 in the bank, make a posting competition like "make 20 posts to get in the running to win a domain name". Its cheap and effective.

3. Do some self promotion, every forum, put your forum in your sig. Post banners up around work/school or around your town.

4. Find something unique. Make a super computer or something that will attract people. Then submit to digg, stumble, del.ici.ous and google!

5. Go to an admin forum like and do some link exchanges. (link exchanges mean backlinks, backlinks mean better pagerank, better pagerank means more people)

6. SEO your website. Look up mod_rewrite on google and try it yourself. Or i do it for phpbb3 and normal websites for $5 a page (just saying, you dont have to)

Please rep if i have helped you :) and ofcourse, reply or PM me. id love to help!
Okay well Msn Muck you have given me lots of ideas and i am very great full.

I shall start working on some banners and then i will get some of the staff/members to do some advertising.

I have only really submitted my site to goggle so i shall submit it to digg, stumble and del.ici.ous and I'm just signing up to, do you have a user there as i will put it down for my referrer.

And I'm looking into vbseo but i think its a bit to much to pay at them moment.

And you have help me a lot Msn Muck

im soundboy at adminfusion :)

no problemo. There are alot of vbseo accounts discounted at
A forum will not spring to life overnight. Be careful what you do in other forums. If you throw up ads in other forums you may just get shown the door for spamming. Talk to the admins about doing link swaps. You'd be surprised at how many people will click an affiliate link.
Talk to Buzz about vbseo.
Oh yeah i wouldn't just go spamming other forums as i would hate it to be done to my forum so i wouldn't wanna do it to another persons forums.

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