Lol, I have great luck...


Fully Optimized
Out walking around the neighborhood smoking a cigarette, and 2 cars go whizzing by me. Blasting music. I could tell they were probobly friends of the ass hole down the street. He is a scumbag, and I'm sure his friends aren't so much better...

Anyways, I'm walking home still and I see their headlights coming directly behind me, so I'm already thinking there is trouble =\

Thankfully these 2 cars only had 2 people in them. Both drivers get out and approach me. I asked them what they wanted and the bigger guy (had atleast 60 lbs. on me) just walked straight up to me and tried to push me back as hard as he could. I balanced myself and threw a 1-2, left hand jab, right hook, and landed the right. Connected very well to his chin and he went right to sleep. He might have cracked his head on the pavement because he fell and landed head first on it. His friend just ran to him to make sure he was alright, and I looked him in the eyes for a second, and I could tell he didn't want to continue their little "en devour" so I just walked home (walking backwards. NEVER turn your back on an opponent. EVER.) I wasn't really worried after that. Didn't bother calling the police. Figured they were gonna leave, and I just wanted to sleep, I was planning on doing that after my nightly walk. I was in shorts and sandals, no shirt for Christ's sake.

I hope he is ok... It could have been much worse if he had swung at me first, thats all I'm saying.

I f*cking hate fighting. I hate having to fight. I always try to avoid it. 2 on 1, and 3 broken ribs, and a hurt foot, I couldn't exactly run...

It's funny though, it was 2 on 1, and they out weighed me easily, and the only injury I sustained from them was my hurt foot from re balancing myself and my right shoulder for striking him.

So yeah. That is tonight's story for you guys in the eventful life of ghost_FL :(
That really sucks. I don't see anything else you could do in that situation though, you defended yourself.
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