girlfriend question

Some people wait till their married to have sex, some people do it on first date (And some people just have sex with random people for the fun of it). All depends on whats right for you, and what you feel like doing.
I can't believe some of the responses here.

At your age I'm against it, But that's just my opinion. I unfortunately gave in when I was 21 and it was just me thinking with the wrong head. I'm extremely religous and what I did was truly against my faith, But understand when you "put" yourself into that kind of situation you start making decisions with the wrong head. Do us ALL a favor and wear protection if you must. Granted you don't want to because you get "more feeling", ask yourself. Can you handle a kid? If your answer to that question is No, then your not ready for it. It tears me apart when I have to take the child of juvenile parents into Protective Custody.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, But tough love isn't always in your favor.
Most people cant wait, but according to my religion its marriage.

But the law says, 5 months, 21 1/2 days. Has it been that long?
While I don't always agree with Sensei, his responses are always valid, justified and helpful.

I personally think you shouldn't have sex unless you are ready to handle what comes with it... STD's, Drama, and of course, a baby... If you aren't ready for any of those, keep it in your pants.
I'm a Christian, and a rule in my faith is to wait until marriage to have sex. That's exactly what I will do.
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