Windows 3.1 in Virtual PC 2007

It may seem "boring ...ring" to some while for others it can be a learning experience on how to do things like dual or multi booting different OSs as well as some basic drive partitioning experience over simply using the Windows installer to do the work for you all the time.

Starting off in the "point + click" generation will leave you kind of pc illiterate when it comes time to use a command line or other manual methods for seeing problems corrected as well as making a few custom changes on a system. Plus you get to see how outdated an older version is when having the opportunity for a first hand comparison and saying: "they actually ran Windows and did things that way??? :confused: ". :p me, I remember when they "used to do things that way", I used to use a computer with windows 3.11 for workgroups on it, and ms-dos 6.22. I still have all the disks somewhere.....
It was 95 that was the first desktop version to see the optical disk used namely the cd when the early 1x and 1x/2x cd rom drives were first seen available. Before that "everything" was either on 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" as far as softwares as well as the version of Windows.

For someone who never seen and ran one of the older versions and may want to learn something about Linux with a console and Bash commands there a good run of a manually started OS at a dos prompt can be a valuable lesson! "egads! a dos prompt and typing win.exe manually and pressing the enter/return key! :eek: " :p
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