Describe the person postin above you

Superman...Overall a Great guy in my eyes. Has a good sense of humor in his replies and threads which we need more of. Very knowledgeable guy in computers and in my eyes an asset to this forum as well.
americansensei, what to say... well first off he devotes his life to keeping our lives safe, cheers to that, he knows what he's talkin about, great guy, whenever something tough happens in the fire department i feel like i can go to him and talk about it...

stay safe bro!
bullzi, very helpful. Into computing like the rest of us. All in all hes a cool cat :)
My first thought with esa193 is spelling errors, but apparently he's trying to make it better and it does seem to be getting better....:) Good guy, good poster on the forum.

i suck at spelling always have always will
mix that in with typing errors rushing and i/m talk and you get a big mess
has that avatar from a tax deduction firm thing. (just saw it like 10min ago lol) overal.....vey seriouse, knowladgable member :)
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