Longest Word In the World, 189,819 Letters!

That's pretty cool, even thought it's a formula name.

EDIT: I was about to post saying a sentence of the form: "Look! The last of my *protein name* is gone!" Unfortunately, as I finished the copy and paste I went to scroll and my computer lagged. Because I don't know what sort of damage this word could cause I didn't post.

...yes my comp. is the biggest piece of sh1t you will ever see....
Wow,Honestly,Who would make a word THAT long,i mean seriously!

Edit; I was going to post the word as well,But i got an error....
    1. The text that you have entered is too long (189884 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

There's this kid in my school he knows Pi to the 50th decimal digit.
That's nothing, there's a girl in my school who won some Pi competition, she knows THOUSANDS of digits.

I wouldn't consider this a word though. That's like saying a chemical formula is a word. It's a system of naming used by the IUPAC. The funny thing is, I actually understand it and given enough time I could figure out the chemical formula and structure using that :p
Wow, I wonder how long it would take you to spell it, like in a spelling bee? Talk about the world spelling bee finals.....lmao.
I wonder how long it would take to get C132983H211861N36149O40883S693 from that or vice versa...years probably.
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