frys opened?

I never thought of the banks being closed, but mine probably will be my luck... Just when I need to go to the bank... My bank is seriously the most inconvenient bank ever. I get my paycheck on Monday and would like to put it in the bank. Then I'm going to spend a bunch of money on an mp3 player and then buying 5 systems from a guy for $60, no money left after I buy $20 in gas if I don't get to go to the bank...

EDIT: of course my bank is closed...
i tried calling them but only the answer machine came up so i couldnt talk to anyone.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and its a holiday. I don't know if its a banking holiday though...

Like I said, I can't imagine why they would be closed. They are not a government office, school, or bank. They are the only one's that would take this "holiday" off.
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