Can I Upgrade the RAM and graphics card in diss computer?

You can probably easily upgrade the RAM, but the video card would be a bit of a problem. I'm not sure what form factor that case is, but it's definitely not standard ATX. So you can't use a regular size video card with it.
Hey.Can u help me find a cheap computer thats like 3gb of ram with around 2ghz?? and With a nvidia 7 series graphics card?? or maybe a computer where I can easily upgrade it to that level?
Have you considered building it yourself? It's not all that hard, and you can save a lot of money.

How much money do you want to spend?

happy with that , 4gb ram , 8600 video card 2.66 core duo . $712
lots of guides on the net,

maby you might find a computer building for dummys that will go thorugh every step in detail.

whopps and for that computer i just forgot the operating system
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