Do you wear glasses?

I don't but my eyes hurt after a while on the computer. How long can you be on the computer before your eyes hurt?

What's your refresh rate? I think it is recommended to be 70Hz+.
I think everyones eyes will start to hurt if you stare at the computer screen for long enough. I know mine do and I start to get a headache and such, after a few hours, and I need to take a break for a while.
Glasses. I hate them because they can get bent and broken fairly easily in some situations. I couldn't wear contacts because I hate putting anything remotely near my eyeball. I have 20/60 in one eye, 20/40 in other I think.
I can go upwards of 7-8 hours without any fatigue.

Me too, but the only problem is that I have to look away from the screen now and then because otherwise my eyes start to feel strained. I also can't wear my glasses at the computer because it's not as clear as without them and hurts my eyes. I'm near sighted anyways so I don't have to wear my glasses all the time. I do when I read just because I'm too lazy to take them off and set them somewhere.
I don't feel any straining while on the computer... and I have spent many countless hours modelling crap (what it turns out to be when its done :p)
But I do tend to look away quite a lot and play on my piano randomly which is beside it. Spinny chair!
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