Time for the christmas logo

people associate christmas with snow, and tbh theres a chance it could snow for many more months. i dunno, i just see it as a christmad thing
I don't associate crhistmas with snow. 1. It never snows here
2. It's summer time at christmas
i think that the white snow logo symbolizes winter more than christmas. if it were a christmas logo it i would think it would have some red and green in it, and maybe a christmas tree or something.
Forget snow how about a gustily blown away logo as its blowing a Gail and pretty fresh at that brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr time to wrap up, only problem is I cant feel my fingers, I guess it might SNOW ha ha.
if the length of time that most the other changes on this forum have taken to occur is any indication then it is going to be staying up for a while longer yet
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