I think this kid at my school is going insane...

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Golden Master
Maybe insane is a little harsh, but this kid is nuts. I know he has some mental issues, but listen to my stories here, they are funny, but wierd and true:
This kids name is zach, and he is a softmore. Last year we could tell him to go up to someone and say something and he would do it, it was funny. He also ate mouthfuls of halepenios when we gave them to him. One time our school was giving out free food, extras, and we told him to go up there and take some, than give it too the lunch lady and be like, "I dont want this shit" and give it too her. He did it. He laughed we laughed its all good.

Now, he says scary stuff...
He asked my friend if he could do acid in school

He was sawing at his pants with a hacksaw in metals class, and asked my friend if he should saw his leg off, and he thought it was the funniest thing. My friend didnt find it so funny, and told him no.

Our metals class is a seperate building from the school, well sorta, its connected, but you have to go outside to get to the main schoo.

This kid will go out through the window instead of the door to get back to the school. He tries to be secretive, but everyone sees him.

In the building trades class, while they were out at the house they were building, he went and dingdong ditched the only other house on the street, than he tries walk around the outside of the house being worked on, thinking he is super secretive.

He asked my friend just the other day, if he could put vodka in the teachers coffee, so they get wasted and raped in prisin.

In the hall the other day, he was staring at my friend and than he started slapping an imaginary ass, so my friend called him over, and said, "What are you doing Zach?" Zach says, "can I get some HOs around here?"

And than my friend kyle said in one of his classes, some kid asked for a pencil, and Zach whips one out and says, "Can someone enlarge this into a stripper pole?"

Than he asked the teacher if we could watch porn in class.

And he keeps asking where he can get some pussy, he asks all of us. He thinks we are all his best friend, but we are all afraid this kid will bring a gun to school or something. He is nuts.

He has Virginia Tech written all over the back of his notebook, and the cops have already talked to him about bringing a gun to school.

w/e, some interesting stuff if you are looking for a read, lol.
Also, here is a picture of Zach:

First, I'd afraidd to tell you this, but THIS is what I called YOU GUYS's FAULT. You kept making him do bad things, that he eventually started to make his own. That's how it works with mental diseases....you NEVER mess with them in such way...ever.
^^^ s'risly?

Anyways, he's waay too social to ever be the next Virginia tech, hes just simply insane.
Ever see the movie Dead Man on Campus? He totally reminds me of that psycho guy.
a teaher eh? kidding! I know it's a typo. Basically, the kids should leave him alone.
tell him that its not cool to do stuff like that, and make sure he thinks you guys are his friends when you do. the best thing you can do is just be his friend as much as you can and tell him whats right\wrong. he will listen to you more than he will listen to anybody else

First, I'd afraidd to tell you this, but THIS is what I called YOU GUYS's FAULT. You kept making him do bad things, that he eventually started to make his own. That's how it works with mental diseases....you NEVER mess with them in such way...ever.

yeah, you made it seem like he would be cool if he did that stuff, so now he does it to try to be cool.
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