The one time I'm mad school is closed

Yeah, i'm supposed to lose power from this storm later today... Lets hope that doesn't happen.
right now if i had a day off like that i would go x mas shopping if you have any left , any work you need to catch up on ?
or ring work see if they have any overtime you can do today
i would make good use of the day anyway rather than waste it
i got soo lucky, they canceled our district last night! :) they actually didnt make us get up and get ready THEN find out, kinda nice...

but yea, that sucks, its happened to me before, pissed a lot of people off... haha
right now if i had a day off like that i would go x mas shopping if you have any left , any work you need to catch up on ?
or ring work see if they have any overtime you can do today
i would make good use of the day anyway rather than waste it
Well, the whole point of staying home is because the conditions are bad and you shouldnt be out and driving. Even my dad stayed home today, and he is a professional construction manager, so its not just a little job. Weather isnt that good. I am basically in the center of the same storm Celegorm is in, lol.
So I've been up for half an hour getting ready for school today and the entire time it's been snowing heavily. Normally, if school isn't closed or delayed when I get up, it won't be. Well, about one minute ago the closing was announced.

I can't go back to bed anymore.... I've already had a breakfast, and a few cups of coffee.. ARG! it sucks!

LUCKY!!! Looks like you got a "Snow Day". Remember the movie? Most students would die to have that day off, including me. I've been fortunate to have classes cancel on me but for different reasons. Take advantage of it.
I wish it was snowing here. Wait, scratch that. It would give Purolator another excuse to delay my shipment further. [see my blog for information on that >_>]

It's supposed to snow tomorrow anyway.
actually we don't get a lot of snowfalls :p but they're pretty big once they do come :) but no, we didn't just have one, this is the first of the year
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