command prompt

jon the noob

In Runtime
i just started learning computer programming, starting off with java/html then moving on from there..

Im trying to get a great knowledge of all of the PC.. How much of command prompt is important and useful? I know stuff like cd, dir, ipconfig, etc.
but im not skilled enough to use it fluently

Is it worth learning all the commands for it?
well maybe like atrrib that can be helpful, but not unless you are looking at more of working with DOS then you should, but i program in JAVA and an learning C++ and the only commands i really know are ones i have been taught in my A+ class not in my programming class, but the shutdown command in C++ is useful.

spelled atrrib wrong it should be attrib
I think learning actual programming languages is more useful then being able to run your computer completly out of command prompt. Simply because you just will not need to do that nearly as much. With that said you can always just look stuff up when you need to and type help.
HTML and JAVA is useful bu as jlm7315 said, cmd prompt isnt really usefull. rather C++
but the shutdown command in C++ is useful.

Which you've stolen the code from me :p

Now I won't tell you that the need to know commandprompt is vital to programming. However, it is good to know the basics of it. The big commands that you use all the time (or atleast i do) is "pause" and "cls". If you like me (and Tim, the guy I quoted) you'll use the shutdown code to keep the teacher on their toes :D
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