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0-24 Newbie
25-99 Junior Member
100-499 Member
500-999 Senior Member
1000-1999 Guru
2500-4999 Super Guru
5000+ CF Junkie

if anybody spams to get a higher level, then ban them. also the system all the way up to Guru doesnt change, and 90% of the guru's on here know better than to spam, and could care less about rep.
if anybody spams to get a higher level, then ban them. also the system all the way up to Guru doesnt change, and 90% of the guru's on here know better than to spam, and could care less about rep.

right, the mods keep a pretty good eye on who's spamming so if people do it they simply get the ban hammer.
0-24 Newbie
25-99 Junior Member
100-499 Member
500-999 Senior Member
1000-1999 Guru
2500-4999 Super Guru
5000+ CF Junkie

if anybody spams to get a higher level, then ban them. also the system all the way up to Guru doesnt change, and 90% of the guru's on here know better than to spam, and could care less about rep.

I really like that rud. But I think one more class for like 10000, and 20000
Ya, rudster those are some good titles. No wonly if we can maybe get them implemented :D
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