Ok New Idea

more people join this forum then you think, at least 10-15 a day, that would just really annoying, and as soon as they found that out they would hit back a couple of times to there google search and go to the next one on the list ;)
That suggestion was brought up last week ...personally I hate sites that do that... David was not keen on the idea either.
how about before any new member is allowed to post the account has to be approved by a mod? we could do IP checks and then approve or disallow the member access.. would be more work load, however it could work..

would stop morons like bf2player etc from doing the same thing again..

Mark, I dont think there are enough mods to be able to handle that, there are many times during the day when there are no mods on. New members would get pissed off and go somewhere else, which is not what is wanted. The only real way is to have plenty of mods on that will catch the spam as it starts. I was disappointed with thelis before, he read a lot of turkeymans threads, but did nothing about it.
Mark, I dont think there are enough mods to be able to handle that, there are many times during the day when there are no mods on. New members would get pissed off and go somewhere else, which is not what is wanted. The only real way is to have plenty of mods on that will catch the spam as it starts. I was disappointed with thelis before, he read a lot of turkeymans threads, but did nothing about it.

Yeah new members might get mad and leave if we do this, but if we don't then what about the possibility of long standing members leaving? We've already lost alvino and raffaz because of previous stuff that happened and took too long to get resolved. Do we really want that again? We already have a ton of gurus who don't post anymore and haven't been around in a long time.
I cant really comment on previous stuff not being resolved, except to say maybe it was due to inaction , and not spam from new members.
I cant really comment on previous stuff not being resolved, except to say maybe it was due to inaction , and not spam from new members.

True. I think however this issue is resolved, it's going to mean inconvenience for someone whether it be the long standing members, the new members, or the moderators. I say set up a system to not allow duplicate email addresses or IP addresses. A way to check for proxies would be nice too but I'm not even sure if that's possible.
okay scrap that idea then.. i have no idea about proxies etc.. theres bound to be a mod out there somewhere, but no idea where to start looking
Personally, what I'd recommend would be a special type of group that is approved by mods, and with that approval, could bump the user's priviledges to be a spam filtering and/or thread closing.

All that would need to be done would be just to have the user's priv bumped to a higher rank that CF Priviledged and have access to just the Spam Archive as for just moving threads in.
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