Help cleaning my computer

Le 3eme oeil

In Runtime
The other day i was going around back of my family computer to plug something into the usb port. I noticed that it was very dusty all around the back and that the fan area was covered in dust.

I looked on the internet how to clean out the inside of you pc but none of them really helped because most were just like use a towel...

Can someone tell me what to do so i dont damage anything inside there.
Also, its safe to open up you pc case just to clean it out without loosing memory or anything right?
Shut down the computer and open the side panel. Using a can of cleaning air blow out the dust. Hold the fan blades with a pencil to keep them from spinning while you clean. Keep your fingers off anything else.
Static is not your friend. Touch something metal like a light switch cover screw before you touch anything in the computer.
A fine paint brush is ideal for getting into those fiddly bits, I use my dyson but thats only on the inside of the case(not over the motherboard or any other components) the thing to remember is to take your time and be careful and there will no problem at all.
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