Sell your vote?

If it was someone I liked then sure...I'd be voting for them anyway:p

But if it was someone I didn't like? hell no. I think it would be wrong, because as a Republic we the people decide who to elect to represent us, I think that if someone didn't think they could win in a honest fashion or by their own merits and felt the only way they could win is to "buy" their way into power then they may not be whats best for their country.
you could pick an amount you'd sell your vote for ....say for example $400. then charge $800 and you would get your $400 you wanted and you could donate the other half to the campain fund of the candidate you prefer to win. there...everyone's happy!
i would sell a vote, but not give up my right to vote forever. No fascists will control me!!!!
Kage doesnt live in the US.

if i was less than 25 i would probably sell my vote for a free year, once im ~25 i feel that i would be more invovled in politics and i would actually vote who is best for everybody, and not just the way i feel. when i can vote (im 14) id much rather vote for somebody who i feel would please more people than just me, even if i dont like him, if i feel that what he would do is for the best, then he has my vote. after 24, i would sell my vote for school board to somebody :p thats about it, and once i have kids, if i do, then ill take that offer back aswell.
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