Making the switch to Mac (any tips)


Baseband Member
Makin the switch from windows to mac ... I'd like to boot up and not be stranded on confusion isle ;) If you got any tips post em plz:D
OSX is a pretty user friendly OS so you shouldn't have any problems, it will just take some getting used to to, like any new thing does. I like the fact that boots very fast compared to Windows and shuts down very fast compared to windows.
Tip: Don't.
If i ever meet you, Ill control alt delete you.
dealing with viruses is a pain.
dont go to mac tho too expensive. go linux
"The penguin protects you"
Ok, for one. keep your windows xp cd. download BootCamp from apple(if your getting a new one, it should already come with it)
with that you can use windows nativly AND mac. beautiful huh

next is, if your a gamer, dont switch...mac = bad gaming, UNLESS you get the mac pro and then boot camp.

mac is pretty basic. runs under the safe and stable "unix."
if ur a real hardcore computer user who likes to spend his time learning a poopload of code, go to linux.
I dont think its worth it, simply becuase i dont have time. but linux is very good and fast.

tip: anything is better then windows
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