What Really Grinds Your Gears?

illegal immigrants
the tax man
people who drive like idiots
spongers off the state
I would definitely have to say incompetence, unreliability and people with a lack of initiative, you have no idea how much that pisses me off. Exact example of my band's previous drummer, he was lazy, good riddance.
illegal immigrants

thats a good one. they come here, get a job, dont pay taxes, and then we give the citizenship and they dont have to pay back the money we get screwed over with by them not paying there dues.

i say you have to work the amount of years you stayed here illegal, with no pay but the goverement will provide food\shelter\etc. then you get deported.
or just make sure they don't get here in the first place - it was a mistake to agree to this open borders thing...
going to work (i have to leave any minute)
people who think they are cool because they p*ss other people off, or just go around smoking and doing drugs,
and other random things
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