WTF is wrong with CF?

So maybe that's it. Maybe things have changed over time since I had joined. But what are we trying to do by closing the so called "unruly" threads? Are we trying to go back to those earlier times when things just seemed better? We've lost a lot of good members over time because of disagreements between them and the mods and/or for those members just being fed up with the sort of things that we are discussing now. I hate to see that continue happening.
It would just be nice if we can all, in general, just relax a bit and let the tensions that currently exist between certain individuals cease. I am no exception. I have been guilty numerous times in the past for starting or adding fuel to petty arguments. I will do my best to relax but what I would like to see is the same behavior coming from the moderators as well. Let's not get up in arms so fast when a disagreement arises. When you make threats of closing a thread it only seems to get members more eager to get those last words of insult in before that happens. Then the thread closes and how is that disagreement suppose to resolve itself? It will only reoccur or be brought up again in another thread about some other random topic. And let's leave the "professionalism" argument out of this.
I guess if CF remains the way it is then we can all expect to see other members leave. It happens I suppose.
Perhaps it would be a good idea not the anounce that the thread will be closed on the thread, but rather PM the members with the argument telling them if they keep it up, then it will close, so chill out. And if last minute words come in, then close it, or ban the members for a day or 2. That might keep the last words problem down some. Thoughts?
sometimes we want to know why threads are closed, we cant be treated like the little people all the time

I try to make myself clear why I close a thread. However, if you see a thread has been closed and there is no clear reason, please PM me or another mod and ask. We can, and will tell you. A few members do this already when they have questions on why things happened. I won't name them, but If they wanted to, they could tell you how easy it is to come out and ask why whatever happened, happened.

At least excessive use of commas is better than having grammar so bad that you can't even read the post.

Agreed. Punctuation doesn't bother me as much as proper grammar. Spelling helps situations, but I can over-look spelling so easily, if it wasn't for FF, I wouldn't notice people's spelling errors when quoting them. But txt language (with the exception of IMO, lol, and a few "polited" swears like FFS) drives me nuts. I'm sry butt, I h8t when pple do this lik all the time. it gets on my nvrs every time i c 1 of the posts lik dat.

Perhaps it would be a good idea not the anounce that the thread will be closed on the thread, but rather PM the members with the argument telling them if they keep it up, then it will close, so chill out. And if last minute words come in, then close it, or ban the members for a day or 2. That might keep the last words problem down some. Thoughts?

The problem with PMing the members involved (and I see this a lot) is two people can be going at it, then out of no-where a third joins in and then you have to warn him and waste more time. A simple post saying "Hey, things are getting out of hand here. Calm down or this is closed" is a lot quicker, and then everyone should know that "Hey, I should watch what I say. I dont' want to be the reason this gets closed"
Wow cf is mad slack, look at facepunch studios rules.


Don't be racist or homophobic.
Nigger is racist
Raghead is racist
All mexicans smell is racist
All muslims are terrorists is racist
Fag, faggot and fucking faggot are all homophobic
Take time with your posts. Do NOT type things like OMFG or plz thx. Type real sentences. This is NOT an AOL chat room. Type as if you were applying for a job.
Don't post money making schemes, outwar crap or free ipod shit.
When starting a new post use a descriptive topic. You will be banned if you use a topic like "sum cool shit" or "wow check this out!" or "funny stuff".
Don't sass the mods.
Don't tell us we need to ban someone.
Don't reply to trolls. Just report their posts and we will deal with them.
They may be more strict, but the way the post their rules is very unprofessional.
The way that they word their rules cannot be compared to those of a quality site like ours, but if they were tidied up by a professional, using legal terms, leaving the meaning behind the words the same, [except the last line of course!!] then basically IMO, they would fill the bill for us by expressing what we would like to get across to those disruptive members, & hopefully nip their activities in the bud, once & for all,!!! what do members think?
Well, I don't agree with the people telling us all they are going to download games/crack games, etc, that we've been getting recently. This is a public forum...

This is still my favourite computer forum though, by far.
arguing is fine, just not when its between brookfield and some members in other peoples threads :)

Yeah that happens a lot , mainly stemming from brookfield making a completely off topic post and them some for of argument stemming from that
It seems like you get joy out of closing everything and accusing it to be illegal. Happens alot.
Thats is absoloutly true , rep

ANyway here is how i see it , if someone is breaking the rules even a mod we have the right to tell them but thats where a lot of the argument comes from and i aint gonna shy away from names here basically a lot of argument is caused when brookfield breaks a rule and then someone picks up on that he then overreacts and then everyone gets mad at him and it turns into one big argument , that happens every so often
Thats how i see it anyway

People need to argue in a constructive way and bring facts to the argument , its no good saying yeah this is best cos i say it is you need facts to back up what you are saying if you wanna look even remotely like you know what you are talking about
People also need to be a lot more tolerant of others opinions and just cos they see something they dont agree with dont get all flamey about it state why you disagree and maybe facts if suitable cos you aint gonna agree with everyone and everything in life so if you cant even handle seeing something you disagree with on a forum lord knows how you are gonna handle the wide world where there will be hundreds of people you dont agree with

And most importantly if you disagree with the subject matter in a thread then nobody is forcing you to participate you can simply move on and post in another thread where the subject matter is to your liking , If you know there is a risk of you getting mad or upset about the subject of a thread simple as that dont go in there , different topics and subjects offend different people and unless the subject is just plain illegal or of a questionalbe nature then just leave it be and dont get involved i myself am pretty much open about stuff but i know we have members who could be sensetive of certain topics so if you are wanna them just dont go in there if you know you could be offended
i will admit Sometimes people just annoy me and i get mad , i think the only example i remember was in the crysis thread the other day when triv nate was getting mad and that just annoyed the hell outa me and i got mad , fortuanly we called a truce to stop the arguing and all was well

On the whole i think we have a good team of moderators who know what they are doing and are fair , Obviously there is one moderator brookfield who you all are prolly aware of my opinion of but if you arent please PM me and i will discuss it furthur with you in a PM cos it aint relevant here and will prolly cause an argument
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