
I used to have my ears, nipple and tongue done years ago, i got bored of them over time and took them out.:)
Belly button (could be quite hot depending on the girl...) and ear piercings on a girl I could cope with. Any more, and I'd be put off to tell the truth
Got both ears done, with some big square diamond loopers.


In Britain piercings are beyond a joke, there's a guy who shops where I do, [Morrison's, Brits] his wife, no piercings, at least not that I could see, pretty dress, three kids around 6, 7, & 8 years old, well behaved, not like most kids in supermarkets, screaming blue murder & smashing things right left & centre, the husband, well, greasy long matted hair, grubby jeans, filthy trainers, both ears with at least eight earrings along the edges, pin thriugh an eyebrow, one in his chin, & probably a ring through his you-know-what, known over here as a Prince Albert, [there is a female version, but I won't go into that!!]
But the kids are well behaved as I said, & if they do start messing about he only has to say "stop that NOW!!! & they do.
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