How do you get a girl to stop bothering you?

You keep ignoring her.

Not much you can do about a mad bitch.

Let her run outta steam. It'll fade.
no arriz is right, you have to keep up ignoring her and she will go away even if it takes some time.
Ya, if you are telling us the truth, and she is really like that and you havent said anything, she will find a new guy to bug, no worries, they always do.
Yeah she claims she knows this guy who is like 23 years old and she went out with him for a couple months. He's a crack whore but I think she made him up to piss me off. He's obviously not a good guy and she says that she went out with him when she was going out with me too. I don't care what he does.

Oh and D88, I think you got the wrong idea, after re-reading that it sounded sarcastic. I had no intention of sounding sarcastic, What I meant is that I will be ignoring her.
wow, waht an asshole she needs to move on and u need to move,cuz she'll prob show up at ur front door annd shank u with a butter kinife lol
She will grow out of it, 10 months really isnt very serious. For grade school, yeah, but high school, not so much.
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