Does anyone else think it is offensive to call new people newbies

I was a newbie once... now look at me: Tall, handsome, brooding in a dark room, listening to Opera... *gargles*

No being serious, you are a newbie for like 50 posts. It is seriously nothing that bad. It means you are new to the forums, which you are, and that you have a long way ahead of you, and tha long way will be filled with great times. Seriously, just post normally and you will get your Junior Member in no time.
Main Entry: pree·mie
Variant(s): also pre·mie \ˈprē-mē\
Function: noun
Etymology: premature + -ie
Date: 1927
: a premature baby
Right, Brian, got it, thanks.
Everyone is a newbie once they register at CF, On the other hand- welcome to the CF and grow up, crying about a forum title which goes away after 50 or so posts, which isn't much, give me a break
Everyone is a newbie once they register at CF, On the other hand- welcome to the CF and grow up, crying about a forum title which goes away after 50 or so posts, which isn't much, give me a break
Well said Josh.
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