
Just because Google has a successful search engine and owns YouTube doesn't mean they are going to take over the world, MSN is actually used more than Google last I heard so I wouldn't worry about them, there is a thread around here that shows Google's corporate headquarters, I would love to work for them :p
No Google and any other website will never be to big. If it does then the internet will go crazy. besides I heaard they were creating a whole new enternet.
I don't pay attention to the corporate stuff. I just use it as a search engine and I use g-mail. I don't think it's gonna take over the world anytime soon.
Google is to me the best site and most used site for me. Whether i'm searching, using Gmail or the Calendar, there is always something Google offers that I want lol. The thing why everyone likes Google is because the most part of their services are free, which to me is a real turn on. I say let Google take over the world :p

I don't think they will take over anytime soon though lol Pretty long time to go before that would happen.
if google takes over im happy b/c they are not as power hungry as everyone else. i mean look at the google phone
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