religon (if this offened any one im sorry ill have a mod take it down)

then how can you disprove
carbon dating
the skelotens of early human and the way they changed to eventually become us
disprove evolution and carbon dating then i will believe in your creation
Here is my theory on the dinosaurs. When God created humans humans were originally supposed to live forever, but when man sinned, man started to die. The Bible says that Adam lived around 900 years. just think. The jawbone in a human never stops growing. Just imagine after 900 years. The bones will be deformed after 900 years. The dinosaurs I believe lived longer as well back then. I think they also kept growing. 900 years I mean come on. I think they will grown. That's my explanation. I am a Christian. I have trusted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I recommend you do to. I will try not to offend anyone. I will just tell you what I believe is truth. I you die without Jesus when you die you will go to a place called hell. See Jesus died for our sins. In the old testament the only way to forgive sin is to shed innocent blood. A lamb was used. Jesus is the perfect lamb. He lived a sinless life and died on the cross for every one in this world. It is all a matter of believing. I just would rather trust a perfect holy God than trust some human scientist that belives we came from a big bang.
if your statement is true istonian
then me and who ever does not believe in jesues will be forgiven
as we are all ignorant and ignorance is not a sin
just a miss understanding and if jesues stands for the god
he will not send the ignorant to hell
but open there eyes and show them the light and way into heaven
To esa: I will try to be nice but where in the bible does it say that? If you do not trust in Jesus Christ as savior you will go to hell. In Revalations it say and those whos names were not found in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire. I cant remember the chapter and verse but it is there. Look it up. If you are saved that means your name is in the book of life.
People believing in god doesn't matter to me, you are free to believe in what you want.

However, I find the vast majority of organized religion absolutely appalling. Most of it is nothing but hatred, spreading sexism and homophobia, among other things. To me a religious figure such as the pope is a symbol of oppression and hatred.

I hate religious people telling me that "you are wrong", comparing me to animals, telling me I'm going to hell, and such other things.

Agreed. I can respect other people's faith in their own religions, but I'll never be religious myself.

Almost all organized religions are incredibly hypocritical and filled with hate. The core of most religions spread peace, love and tolerance for all, but let's face it. Humans will be humans and no matter what we interpret the Bible or Qur'an to be, there will always be people that use religion to justify ANYTHING.

They'll use it to justify stealing, breaking the law, committing hate crimes and even killing people. In the end, they'll just say, "because God told me to do it."

I don't mind people believing in Jesus Christ, God or Allah, just don't abuse it for your own benefit. It's just sickening and one of the lowest things to do.
ok so no faith and in your religon i go to hell
but answer me one last question one question
how come thousands of years ago if u saw god u were a messenger
but today your crazy
does god not send us messages any more?
back then "so called things happened to show gods power"
how come they have stoped
is it because we have gain knowledge and no what causes those things?
and back then things people could not explain "cough" how we became what we are today they said it was god and used that as a way to make life make sense
I think it's because the people today who "see god" are doing crazy or stupid things, where as those in the Bible who did things after seeing god were doing good and helping people. Not blowing themselves up, or kidnapping kids.
lmao sorry celegorm thats so funny cuz its so true

i think ive decided
to go with my friends view of life in my own kinda way
logecly there is a "god" because life is one chain reaction
and every chain reaction needs to start
so weather the highest power is the spark that started the big bang or a physical being there is something
do i believe in jesus and the bible or any other religions
ya the one thing they all have in common
be good to your fellow man
and as long as you follow that good things will come to you
and when the sad but yet weirdly satisfying day of death comes
we will all find out whos right and whos wrong
and if there is a god or something else
non of them shell send you to hell
because the only sin you have commented is not knowing
and isnt that what were all guilty of ?
dont we all want to no what runs this world?
im not saying dont have faith because we all need faith
something to give us conferred when were scared
weather is god or a loved one im just saying
religion should not control your life or how you look at people
but only give you a guide line on life and an explanation
so be good to your fellow man
and just try and be happy
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