Hospital waiting times.

Glad it wasn't broken. :)

I can't really complain about the wait times around here. They aren't too bad, and if they are, we just live with it. I can complain about the doctors however... but I won't go into that.

Wow. Whenever anyone sees an ambulance here, they all call everyone else and try to figure out who it was. (Everyone knows each other)... and we only see an ambulance with it's lights flashing every month or so, probably even less.

I see more ambulances than I can count per day.
I have to pull over for one running hot almost on a daily basis. But I drive on busy streets 20-30 miles a day, so that can be expected.
The UK where I am never ever have problem with Ambulances, unless we are just very safe people, who knows :)
Its good to hear that yoru daughter is fine :)
I remember when I broke my wrist a year or 2 ago it took them forever to finally see me
they had to do x rays and everything obviously,I think i was their a total of 4 hours or so
Thanks for the support people, my daughter is still in some discomfort today but thats to be expected, as for the hospital I was under the impression children got priority, yeah right!!!.
1st of August is the WORST time to go to hospital - Aparantly, because Lot's of the consultant's are on holiday, and it's the day that the Medical Student's go in...
Yeah, when I cracked my shoulder blade I was in the waiting room for 4 hours. There's not much doctors can do for a crack in the shoulder blade but they gave me something to keep my arm still.
I have not thought allot of the NHS since about two years ago when my wife started complaining of horrendous pain in her calf mussel, we had just got back from our holiday and had been driving for some distance but had regular stops/breaks on the way home, when she said to me that she could not stand her jeans touching her leg, by this point I was getting a little worried so I took her to the hospital for a check up, after a blood test and an examination the doctor thought it was muscular and not to worry about it and sent us home.
Three days later we get a phone call from a DVT nurse saying you better come up for some treatment you have a blood clot in your leg, when we met the nurse she asked us what medication the hospital had given her when we were up previously, nothing we said just told to take some pain killers and see if it settles down, the nurse was in complete shock and said they didn't give you any warferine as a precaution, no we replied so she told us that my wife could have dropped down dead anytime over the last couple of days.
What a miss diagnoses blunder they made thankfully it got caught before it was to late.
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