Running SimCity 3000 On Windows XP?


Baseband Member
I have a dual core AMD 64 and pretty much everything I have is high-spec, WinXP Pro is installed and setting the game to Compatability mode doesn't seem to be working. I hear others have had this problem also, I do not plan on buying a newer or older game, I only wish to get this one to work. Help me?
I tried installing without first, but the game wouldn't run, so now I use compatibility mode to install but with no luck. Can anyone write a guide or something to install this game in XP? This game didn't install on my older XP either.

Actually, the game seems to install, but running the game by clicking the shortcut or by clicking the .exe simply does nothing, or in somecases, loads the installer.
I have sim city 3000 as well and it works just fine with xp. it's been a while since I installed it but as far as I know, all I did was install it and run it.
I can run Simcity 4 natively on Vista so it shouldnt take much work to run 3000 on XP I dont think. Try runngin it in compatibility mode for Windows 2000 ifyou cant get it t o work.

edit: you already tried that so try googlling around for a workaround, there's always a way
also tried googling around for a workaround, in fact, i've tried every single way I can think of to install the game with no luck whatsoever.
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