Security Questionnaire


Beta member
I am doing a research paper on network security. Below are a list of question that I will be used to abtain information and to direct my research. Any and all responses will very appreciated.

1. Are anti-virus protection used on Servers, Desktops and Laptops?

2. Are your network and computer systems monitored for network intrusions?

3. Are your employees provided with training or information on security?

4. Is a security incident log kept present in your IT department?

5. Is some form of user authentications implemented on your network?

6. Have you ever experienced an unauthorized, external intrusion onto your network system?

7. What are your top three security issues?
8. What do you think has caused and increase in Network Security?
9. What direction do you see Network Security going?
10. Do you have any form of a Disaster Recovery Plan?
11. Do you have an Information Security Policy?
12. Are all servers stored in a physical secure location?
13. Do you have procedures in place to identify and detect network security weakness?
14. Do you have an Intrusion Detection System?
15. Are data backups performed on a regular basis?
16. Has the use of the backup files been tested?
17. Have you experienced any of the following Security Threats: Roconnaissance, Denial of service, Packet Sniffers, Virus Threats, IP Spoofing, Email Threats and Session Hi-Jacking?

18. Any other threats not listed above?
19. Do you use any of the following Security Protection methods: Data Encryption, VPNs, Security and Patch updates, Firewall, Password Protection and Group Policies?

20. Any other Security Protection used that is not listed above?
I'd answer this, but without an anonymous form this is WAAY too much information to give out publicly.
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