My pot smoking friend !

I have a cappuccino making machine at home, and I love it. Every day, at least two cups of strongest cappuccino.. One in the morning, one at night. Since I started drinking it, I can accept no other kinds of coffee.
Yes, smoking is bad for your lungs in the long run. However, I use a vaporizer most of the time, which is proven not to cause lung damage.
There is 5x as much tar in a joint as a cigarette.

Marijuana is not physically addictive.

Marijuana can lead to psychosis in those with a predisposition to it.
The topic is about smoking pot, so you were pretty on it.

As for smoking it, it doesn't immediately do anything bad to you, but it is certainly not good for you, and you might be more susceptible to other drugs.

Your friend is messing up his life when he could do something great with that intellect of his.
Yeah I agree with you completley but I think he is pretty hooked on it LoL.
He needs an intervention. Trust me, if you want to keep him as a friend, you will need to say something about it to him, otherwise it will all just go downslope from here.
Depends how much he uses. Does he ever smoke by himself?? Tons of people smoke at parties, but it's not a good sign if they smoke alone.
Recreational Smoking = Bad.

If he wants to do anything with his life he needs to stop. At parties it is ok, but if he constantly smokes, it will ruin him. No sports, no career, his life will be horrible.
Yeah, my dad smoked for almost 25+ some years of his life and it was horrible. At first he smoked inside, which just made the kitchen all gross and smelly. Then my mom banished his smoking to outside only. He used to sleep around 2 or 3 'o clock and had somewhat poor health. Now he sleeps at about 11 or 12 'o clock and has stopped smoking. He's getting to best shape of his life and now our family doesn't have to smell the stink of cigarettes around the house.
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